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Course Outline

Class 1 : Educate & Inspire


* Introduction to the HypnoBirthing philosophy 
* The History of women and birthing 
* Why and how you can have an easier, more comfortable, and safer birthing  
* How Nature perfectly designed women's bodies to birth 
* How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts 
* The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing
* Visualizing gentle births by viewing beautiful birthing videos


Class 2 : Falling in Love with Your Baby/Preparing Mind & Body


* The remarkable mind of your newborn baby-Prenatal bonding techniques 
* Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques 
* Breathing techniques for labor and birthing 
* Hypnotic relaxation and visualization 
* Selecting the right care provider 
* The Birth companion's role in birthing 
* Preparing your body for birthing with massage and toning


Class 3 : Getting Ready to Welcome your Baby


* Preparing Birth Preference Sheets  
* Preparing the Body for Birthing 
* Light Touch Labor Massage 
* Your body working for and with you 
* Avoiding artificial induction and achieving a natural start to labour 
* Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.


Class 4 : A Labour of Love


* Onset of Labour - Thinning and Opening Phase 
* Birth explained simply  
* Settling in at the hospital or birthing center  
* Preparing for home birth - or baby's choice of birth  
* As labour moves along - passing time through labour 
* Hallmarks of labour 
* If labour rests or slows - Companion's prompts and activities 
* As labor advances - birthing with your baby 
* Protecting the natural birthing experience 
* Birth rehearsal imagery


Class 5 : Birthing – Breathing Love, Bringing Life


* Moving into birthing 
* Positions for descent and birthing 
* Breathing baby down to birth 
* Baby moves to the breast  
* Family bonding with your baby




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