HypnoBirthing is designed for mothers interested in having a calm and comfortable birthing experience. It is good for mothers who are interested in natural childbirth and is equally helpful for those who are opting for an epidural. This method can be used whether you are having a home birth, hospital birth, working with a doctor or a midwife. The sole purpose of the course is to empower mothers to have the birth they desire, without judgment or guilt.
The program teaches effective self-hypnosis, relaxation, guided visualization, and breathing techniques. It also goes far above and beyond what you would learn in any prenatal class--really teaching you how your body and your baby work together in the birthing process.
All classes, courses, and workshops are taught online. To register please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
One Day HypnoBirthing Retreat
These retreats, formally our Intensive 1-day workshops, are offered for couples who prefer to engage with the course material all at one time or as I recommend twice depending on the stage of pregnancy.
The first half of the retreat is suitable for 30 weeks and under, while the second half focuses on labour and birth and is suitable for those 30 weeks and higher.
In the one-day retreat, Amanda will cover the majority of the curriculum and guide couples through various hypnosis exercises. All resources are provided to parents but all additional learning and practice are self-guided at home after the retreat. One on one coaching sessions can be booked with Amanda at the rate of $150/hr.
Live Virtual Retreats run from 9am - 3pm CST and are hosted 4 times per year.
Upcoming 2024 Retreats
August 24th
November 3rd
The retreat investment is $497 CAD + GST.
NEW: Prerecorded Virtual Retreat
Exactly the same offering as above. The only difference is that you will be watching pre-recorded retreat at your own pace, rather than participating in a live one. This option includes access to all previous retreats (each one is a little different depending on the group) and a 1 hour coaching call to go over any questions you might have.
This option is an investment of $397 CAD + GST
Private Course
1st Class takes place between 15 and 30 weeks
2nd Class takes place between 30 and 35 weeks
Benefit of Private Course: Holistic and Comprehensive Support
Work one on one with Amanda over the course of your pregnancy.
Flexible delivery schedule to meet the needs of your family.
Weekly emails/phone calls to support you in your pregnancy and practice
Monthly Virtual meetings to assist in the development of your practice
Access to private Facebook group for continuous support in the development of your practice
2 Hypnotherapy sessions to help expand your understanding of the benefits of hypnosis and how it can assist in your birthing ($300 CAD value). Options include: healing from a previous loss, fear of childbirth, healthy pregnancy, natural child birth, and more.
1 Hypnotherapy session following the birth of your baby ($150 CAD value) essential for
Option for in person training in your home where possible.
HypnoBirthing Text Book ($30 CAD value)
An Elevation Hypnosis Birth Bag ( $20 CAD value)
A hands on coaching experience through out your pregnancy.
Greater interaction with and understanding of hypnosis and how it can assist you in pregnancy, birth, postpartum and parenting
4th trimester follow up call with Amanda
Postpartum care package ($100 CAD value)
The private course investment is $1497 CAD + GST.
Monthly payment plans are available for this option
Only 12 slots available per year for this option.
Register NOW by reaching us out at amanda@elevationhypnosis.com
What you will learn:
* The HypnoBirthing philosophy
* The History of women and birthing
* How you can have an easier, more comfortable, and safer birth
* How Nature perfectly designed women's bodies to birth
* How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts
* Vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing
* Visualization techniques for a gentle birth
* Prenatal bonding techniques
* Breathing techniques for labour and birthing
* Hypnotic relaxation and visualization
* Selecting the right care provider
* The Birth companion's role in birthing
* Preparing your body for birthing with massage and toning
* Preparing your Birth Plan
* Preparing the body for birthing
* Light Touch Labour Massage
* Your body working for and with you
* Avoiding artificial induction and achieving a natural start to labour
* Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.
* Onset of Labour - Thinning and Opening Phase
* Birth explained simply
* Settling in at the hospital or birthing center
* Preparing for home birth - or baby's choice of birth place
* As labour moves along - passing time through labour
* Hallmarks of labour
* If labour rests or slows - Companion's prompts and activities
* As labour advances - birthing with your baby
* Rapid Deepening exercises to maximize your your comfort level
* Protecting the natural birthing experience
* Birth rehearsal imagery
* Moving into birthing
* Positions for descent and birthing
* Breathing baby down to birth
* Family bonding with your baby
AND much much more.
Click the button below to register.
Amanda is a mother of 4. She naturally birthed her children and is very passionate about empowering women to have the best birthing experience possible.
In the end if anyone ask if I think HypnoBirthing works I would say yes, but that you need to practice and have an open mind. I was able to have an all natural birth, which I really wanted. I would highly recommend Amanda to anyone who wishes to try this!
- Brean Gizzie-McLeod
I found the course to be good insight to the positive side of birthing when contrasted with the prenatal education.
- Sean Little
Thank you for all of your time and your support. You really took me from being anxious and fearful of birth to feeling empowered and even excited for it. What a change! Birth was such a positive experience because of your support!
- Kat Reichel
Amanda's HypnoBirthing class was exactly what I needed to address any fear, tension and anxiety I was having about giving birth. It's empowering to learn all the amazing things our bodies are capable of. If you are looking for a calm and positive birth experience, I would highly recommend HypnoBirthing.
- Jennifer Lane