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Jocelyn's Birth Story

I had heard about HypnoBirthing from a very close friend who experienced it herself, and she let me borrow her book to read during my pregnancy. This was my first pregnancy and I wanted to know more about the process so I found Amanda through a internet search. I had a private lesson with Amanda in my home and I was happy to have that option, for myself I knew there was a very good chance I wouldn’t have asked as many questions if I had taken the group class.

I had been practicing with the tracks for months before my due date, and every time I would listen to them drift off to sleep.

Our baby was due Nov 8th and my water finally broke at home around noon Nov 16 and the surges started off very intense. We were busy timing and just sort of dealing with the surges that listening to my tracks hadn’t even crossed my mind. When my husband contacted our Doula reminded him to have me start up my tracks. The surges were shooting into my lower back and I struggled to stay focused. We decided to head to the hospital, meeting our doula there.

Once we arrived our doula explained to the nurses that I was Hypnobirthing. I was given the option to try getting into a tub to help with my lower back. Once in the tub, the lights down low and my tracks on I was finally at the point where I could breathe through the surges, I was relaxed. I stayed there for a few hours before I was moved from the admitting floor to the delivery floor. When we got into our delivery room my surges slowed down but my back was my biggest issue. During my pregnancy I had also been having Acupuncture, after multiple hours of trying different positions to get some relief on my lower back we decided to call our acupuncturist to the hospital. When she arrived she put the needles in and I was on the bed, listening to my tracks, I would have a surge and fall asleep between surges. This continued for multiple hours where I would wake up from a deep 30-40 mins here and there. The baby was OP meaning that she was face up. With the help of my support group (Husband, Doula, Acupuncturist) we decided to try getting baby into proper delivery position with a peanut exercise ball. My husband helped with the rocking motion on the ball and my doula and husband took turns reading the hypnobirthing visualization aids. We managed to get the baby into the correct position by the time they came to check me again.

I found it extremely difficult to lay on the bed for very long so I would get up on the exercise ball or stand in a hot shower with the hot water on my lower back. My surges slowed right down and the nurses discussed trying something to speed my surges up but I really hoped I could hold out and deliver naturally. I laboured through the night and into the next

morning. Between the surges I walked down the hall to where our family was waiting and my husband and I both told them they could go home and we would call them as soon as the baby arrived. They couldn’t believe how good I looked. I remember the look on my moms face was pure disbelief that I was standing there holding a conversation, and smiling.

When I was fully dilated and baby was in the correct position (around 8:30am) the doctor came but instead of breathing the baby down. They asked me to push, And when the baby was almost out the doctor recommended, because of some of my own underlying health concerns they no longer wanted me to push but to get the vacuum. They did use the vacuum but our baby was so close to coming out the doctor allowed me to get her the rest of the way to the earthside without help. Our gorgeous girl arrived November 17, 2017 at 10:51 am.

I did not get the opportunity to breath my baby out but I did get her into proper position, deliver her without her or I being medicated, I was able to rest between surges with the hypnobirthing technique. I didn’t have any tearing or need any stitches afterward. When our family came to see us they asked how I was doing, I told every one of them that I would go through it all again the next day if I could, I felt incredible. I personally will forever be grateful for this technique and my pregnancy and delivery team.

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